Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Arenal August 31 - September 1

This is an example of a photo that should NOT be used in any marketing materials about the Arenal Volcano region, since one can never count on a view like this... It also does not mean we haven't had PLENTY of torrential rain - but we have also had amazing volcano views as you can see. I have about 68 pictures just like this - its hard to stop.
We made it here from Turrialba (after inspecting both the hotel we stayed in, and a fancier one nearby where I could actually understand the manager's Spanish because she spoke so slowly and clearly! Not a native speaker) The drive was under 4 hours, winding, gorgeous valleys and views. In Arenal we did a bunch of hotel inspections and spent an evening brewing in the Ecotermales hotsprings - set amongst gardens full of flowers and toads there are a series of pools with water flowing from the hotsprings - the temperatures range from warm to what we referred to as egg-boiler hot. This last one we could only stay in about 2 minutes. I could have soaked in these springs all night, but eventually we changed back to dry clothes and enjoyed a fantastic family style dinner right onthe property and then went home to fall into our beds at the hotel.
Early the next morning we visited the famed Hanging Bridges - our guide Jose had his telescope and we enjoyed several hours of exploring, looking, listening and smelling for the wildlife that lives there. In the afternoon we checked out the bustling town of La Fortuna (ok, so I might not be getting the order exactly right here) then went to enjoy a lovely dinner at a fancy hotel.
It is interesting how heavy downpours here can turn to clear skies in no time. One moment you are in a cloud of white, the next the volcano is right in your face. I never see any red lava at night, but thoroughly enjoy the puffs of smoke and rumbling of explosions throughout the day. It takes me awhile to realize it isn't thunder I'm hearing!

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