Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday is a Sun Day

After a LOT of rain last night it was time for something different. Sure enough after a morning grey, the sky opened up blue as could be. I spent so much time harping on the boys to repeat their sunblock... well I got burned myself. A minor detail.

One of the highlights of today was RAW MEAT SANDWICHES for lunch. This was standard fare for Granny growing up, and also a real treat for me as a child. For you nervous parents, we are quite careful choosing what beef to consume.  Nicco remembered trying 'raw meat' in Tyringham and did not hesitate to cook his burger today, but Leo, Sean and I happily filled our plates with the uncooked beef, Chow Chow mustard pickle, red onion, and Crazy Salt. Sean cleverly added cheese to the mix. It was all delicious.
Nicco's cooked burger to left, Leo's raw one to the right

Sean's is... just right? (note perfect avocado on the side)
Along with frequent applications of sun screen this afternoon, the boys spent time on the beach, and we all played BananaGrams by the pool. Perhaps this sounds dull, but while on vacation boring is redefined as relaxing!

Then Granny and I had a dinner out with some clients of mine, and the boys went to dinner at....where else but Hamburger Heaven. Guess it was a beefy kind of day.

Monday, April 19, 2010

We made it to Palm Beach!

The journey was a success - We have nothing but good things to say about the Holiday Inn Express by TF Green Airport in Providence - fun staff, pool and jacuzzi, comfortable beds and a reliable wake up call (at 345 am...). All flights went smoothly - to Washington DC then an easy connection to West Palm. Our bags were almost first off the plane (as I intended, but the boys didn't believe...) and a short cab ride - we were at the house in Palm Beach by 1130am with time for a swim before lunch.

We've had some rain and cloudy skies but it's warm and everything smells good (though the gardenias haven't bloomed yet) This afternoon cleared to amazing blue skies, and everyone learned you can get tanned even through the clouds.

My ankle is holding up - I'm doing a lot of icing and elevation, but have also walked to the local bookstore, and through the mega-Target. Might throw on the boot and try biking! The boys have tossed the football on the beach, played in the pool, and been to the court for some hoops. Oh, and rode the bike path some too. Tonight they are off exploring at City Place, though we all ate so much dinner I'm not sure how they could even move. But - count 'em! - as of this afternoon there were still three boys here!