Last night’s rain beginning not until we were safely in bed!) was torrential, but here’s the thing: Not only do howler monkeys begin war-whooping at about 445am, they also throw bombs of monkey poop as a way to defend themselves and their territory – the noise is deafening as it hits the tin roofs and it is an interesting way to wake up in the morning.
This morning: a jungle boat expedition – tons of birds and monkeys. Blue skies! Later a fantastic kayak expedition down the narrower canals where we see turtles and caiman and more monkeys. The highlight of the day – maybe of our whole adventure – was witnessing a large family of capuchin monkeys battling with a bird guarding her nest. The bird fought valiantly but the monkeys won. While the nervous mother bird paced and squawked along the water’s edge the monkeys went ahead and raided the eggs, carefully drinking their nutritious contents from the shells. Even our guide said she had only seen anything like that just once before.
The weather is beautiful all day, for our wildlife viewing and swimming later in the pool. We cap it off with a wild game of charades, dinner, and early to bed.
This morning: a jungle boat expedition – tons of birds and monkeys. Blue skies! Later a fantastic kayak expedition down the narrower canals where we see turtles and caiman and more monkeys. The highlight of the day – maybe of our whole adventure – was witnessing a large family of capuchin monkeys battling with a bird guarding her nest. The bird fought valiantly but the monkeys won. While the nervous mother bird paced and squawked along the water’s edge the monkeys went ahead and raided the eggs, carefully drinking their nutritious contents from the shells. Even our guide said she had only seen anything like that just once before.
The weather is beautiful all day, for our wildlife viewing and swimming later in the pool. We cap it off with a wild game of charades, dinner, and early to bed.
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