Sunday August 24
I am in fine shape to meet up at 730am with the group for the drive to Sarapiqui ... The day starts off fine but I quickly learn how weather changes in Costa Rica depending on where you are. As we rise into the mountains (did I know La Paz is a cloud forest??) the clouds descended on s, the cold micty air closed in and the rain came down. By the time we got out at teh waterfall gardens it was pouring. We waied - but nothing changed, so we plowed ahead. The good part was, we had the place to ourselves since no one else was silly enough to attempt it. We went through the exhibits - mostly under cover which was good - but came out the other ens to do the walk to the waterfalls. Under the bit of cover provided by the forest we went slowly over the slippery walkway. Even though we were soaked to the skin - even plastic ponchos do not keep you dry in this kind of rain - we *loved* the forest and the waterfalls. Lunch was a bit chilly - some other group had taken over the fireplace so we could not get close to dry off - but the food was good and spirits were high. Fair to say by the time we got back to the bus we were all ready for a nap - is that not the point??
After making a stop at a local grocery store - a favorite thing of mine - we arrived about 4pm at our hoel, Sueno Azul. After crossing two narrow wobbly bridges (holding breath) I felt like I had arrived to another world. It is a bit like camp - forested, damp, rustic and cozy all at once, many small low buildings scattered, each with a few rooms for guests. A large common area set above the pool and jacuzzi, a pond, the river, and further on are trails and ... who knows what mysteries lay beyond? The river is a constant rushing noise - but the rain begins again and the torrents drown out all other sound for the rest of the day and night. Dinner is good, and the dampness begins to feel normal.
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