We're here!
First we arrived at Logan Airport the recommended 2 hours before flight time only to discover it was deserted, and within about 7 minutes we were checked in and at the gate, twiddling our thumbs. Leo pulled out some math games which only confused me, so I reverted back to my Sudoku puzzle. After we boarded the plane we sat on the runway for an hour before finally taking off. This all made for a very long 45 minute fight to Newark...
...and then a much shorter connection time during which we had to ride the Air Train to the next terminal and slog our way through security again to get to the gate - arriving just in time to be the last on the plane. We did meet our companions Steven and Sam briefly before getting to our seats in the waaaaay back of the plane.
Leo ordered a 'bloody mary' expecting to get the spicy tomato juice he loves. They also gave him the vodka on the side in a little packet (kind of like ketchup). He is *really* liking the rules on this trip (though I drank the vodka myself).
Now we're in the hotel, literally a palace - it's not even 8am and the city is silent after the big celebration last night for St John. Though we did see a couple of people still out, looking for cab rides home. My cell phone says it's 230am... no wonder I feel like a zombie.
Time for a shower and breakfast and then we'll explore the gardens before meeting up with our guide Joana at noon.
When did college kids get so young?
14 years ago
have a great trip, moo.
have fun LEO!
I love that we can talk to you on your trip!
I came into the office today fully expecting a warm welcome and big smile from you...but it was dark and empty. Caroline is making herself a little nook, and getting used to the new space. Fancy pants Nancy arrived shortly after I did and we are anxiously awaiting Beth's arrival to see how she takes her "surprise" HAHAHA
Anyway, I better get some work done...Hope you're having an amazing time!
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